Micro Blading Eyebrows
How long does the treatment take?
Up to 2.5 hours for microblading and 3 hours for microblading and shading (please book out the time stated when booking appointments). A patch test is required 24 hours before treatment and the consultation is done on the day of treatment unless requested otherwise.
How long does it last?
Can last up to 18 months dependant on skin type.
Is it painful?
It is not painful but slightly uncomfortable, dependant on the individual. It feels like a scratch sensation. Mid way through treatment a numbing solution can be used if requested.
How often do clients need it done?
Again this is dependant on the individual and skin type. A yearly top up would be advisable.
When is the top up needed?
A top up can be carried out between 4 and 10 weeks after the treatment. The top up takes approximately 1.30 hours. A top up is needed so the treatment is longer lasting as more colour is added to the hairstroke. It is normal for the brows to be patchy after the first treatment so we focus on these areas.
How to book?
The client must pay 20% deposit when booking (£60 for microblading and £70 with shading). The remaining balance must be paid on the day with cash or card.
Is there any contraindications?
Pregnant, breastfeeding (and 6 months after due hormone), dermatitis, diabetes (type 2), over moles, broken capilliries in the brow area, keloid scars, melanomas, psoriasis.
Clients MUST NOT drink caffeine, alcohol or take painkillers-24 hours before the treatment (all blood thinners).
Clients are not allowed to have botox 4 weeks before or 4 weeks after treatment.
What would happen if the treatment is not continued?
It is not a permanent tattoo so the colour would slowly fade and no scar tissue would be left.
Microblading: £300
Annual top-up: £150
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